Sunday, May 3, 2009

Are you a Snob? 10 Ways to Tell If You're a Snob

Are you a bit discerning or too hoity-toity for your own good? Do you simply have an excellent sense of style or are you a bona fide snob? Here are ten ways to tell, because most people don't think it's them. If more than one or two sound familiar, open your mind because you've just qualified as an S-N-O-B...

The Name Game You name-drop -- from the pricey bottle of "Dom" you downed last night to how ultra-comfy your new "Gucci" loafers are.

Kennedy-itis You hide the truth about your humble family background. Instead of proudly talking about dad's career as a plumber, you refer to him as an "engineer."

Auto-Phobia When your date shows up in a non-luxury ride (something other than a BMW, Mercedes, or Porsche), you feel the urge to feign illness because you'd rather take an ambulance than get in a "junker."

Shopping Secrets You only shop discount stores at a computer in the privacy of your home because the thought of being spotted with a cart full of goods at K-Mart makes you shudder.

Bling Bias When it comes to engagement rings, smaller stones make you feel bad for the bride.
Food Fears When someone suggests a restaurant where you serve yourself, you laugh. So, any eating that requires waiting in line, especially fast food, is out of the question.

Label Mania Even when it comes to plain old basic white t-shirts, the ones by trusty brands such as Hanes and Fruit of the Loom are out of the question. You need designer names on everything from you socks to your undies.

Gift Gripes When friends give you gifts, you think right away about how much it cost. Maybe you even believe the quality of the relationship is equivalent to the price of the goody. The more expensive the item, the closer you feel to your friend.

Supermarket Snubbing When you see a man tossing Pop-Tarts into his basket at the market, you get the urge to read him the list of unhealthy ingredients. You judge people in the checkout line by the number of frozen entrees and salty snacks they're buying.
Pet Peeves Your "babies" are costly purebreds that you dress like four-pawed princes and princesses. And you judge other pet-owners who don't serve their animals organic dinner off real china.

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