Saturday, May 9, 2009

A 24-hour diet makeover

I scoff at conspiracy theories—I believe Oswald acted alone and viewers really do pick the winner on American Idol—but I suspect there is a secret plot to stall my scale. Each morning I arise with the intention to eat healthy...and every night I go to bed counting all the ways I blew it. Unpredictable derailers keep knocking me off track: A maple scone accosts me at a meeting, or a friend orders a rich dessert. Enough is enough! I asked a trio of experts for help. Their solutions can be yours, too.

7 A.M.: A too-tiny breakfast My alarm goes off. I head to the kitchen, resist my daughters' leftover chocolate chip waffles and pour myself a bowl of Special K mixed with Apple Cinnamon Cheerios and skim milk.
Expert fix I'm proud of my whole grains, but one of my experts sees hunger in my future. "There's little protein, so you won't stay full," says Claudia González, R.D., of Miami. She suggests I doctor my speedy cereal with 1/2 ounce almonds for protein and healthy fat.

8:50 A.M.: My coffee run She's right about feeling hungry. I swing by Dunkin' Donuts for an iced skim caramel latte and can't resist topping it with whipped cream. The coffee guy and I start to chat, and by the time I walk out, there's a blueberry muffin in my bag. How did that happen?
Expert fix Caloriewise, my drink is a smart snack at 180 calories, says Lorraine Eyerman, R.D., of New York City, but the whipped cream adds about 100 calories, and the muffin piles on 510. To avoid temptation, I decide to brew coffee at home, sprinkle cinnamon and pack it in a travel cup.

12 P.M.: Cookie attack My lunch date calls to say she'll be late. In 15 minutes, I'm raiding the break room for a snack. What's that? Cookies with a Post-it saying, "Left over from my son's bake sale. Enjoy!" So I do.
Expert fix Eyerman suggests I stock the fridge in my office with baby carrots, hummus and string cheese to avoid the baked goods that grow like kudzu in every workplace. That's nice in theory, but I'm too lazy to refresh perishables. Her fix: single-serving microwaveable soups. One filling cup has only about 70 calories.

1:30 P.M.: Salad surrender I plan to get greens with lowfat dressing at lunch. The day is not lost! But the salad line is endless: Does the Cobb come with a free iPhone? I skip over to the short sandwich line, order a turkey and brie and gobble it down.
Expert fix My mistake was abandoning my healthy plan once I switched to the sandwich. For a smarter 'wich, Eyerman suggests trading fatty cheese, mayo and oil for roasted peppers, lettuce, tomato, cucumbers and mustard. I can also ask them to cut my hoagie in half and wrap up one section for later.

2:30 P.M.: Free snacks I go to a work event, but the army of cater-waiters toting trays of mini-quiches and crab cakes makes it feel more like a wedding. I take a few hors d'oeuvres (just to be polite), schmooze and nosh, and by the end I'm not sure if I've had 4, 8 or 12 of each appetizer. Expert fix Whether at a party, or a store with ample samples, small bites are deceptive, Eyerman says. One can have 100 calories or more. "Decide if this is a meal or a snack," González advises. "If it's a meal, take as much as will fit on one small plate. If not, take two or three." I can hold a glass of seltzer and a plate to keep my hands occupied.

4:30 P.M.: Sweet release An editor calls to say she's killing a piece I've been working on. I'm angry, so I turn to my stash of peppermint patties. (I know, I know, I can't stock string cheese, but the chocolate never stays long enough to melt.)
Expert fix Eating is a way of shutting off an emotion rather than working through it, says Roger Gould, M.D., author of Shrink Yourself (Wiley). "Ask, Why do I need this? What are my other options?" he says. I think about it and plan to pitch the story elsewhere, which makes me feel more in control than eating chocolate would.

6:30 P.M.: Nibbling kid food I play Yahtzee with my daughters to unwind, then realize I forgot to pick up a chicken for dinner. I fix ravioli for the girls and wait to eat with my husband but finish off the leftover pasta from the bottom of the pot.
Expert fix Eyerman says my clean-their-plate habit is common among moms. "Instead of watching them eat, sit down with them and have a salad," she suggests. She also advises me to get over the idea that tossing leftovers is wasteful. "If it's enough for a meal, put it in the fridge for tomorrow; if not, chuck it."

8 P.M.: Lure of delivery When my husband, Jeremy, gets home, we grab the Chinese menu. I order brown rice and steamed veggies, but they look sad next to his orange chicken and noodles. I taste his and before I know it, I've eaten half.
Expert fix If I order in, Eyerman suggests I leave the cartons in the kitchen, not right in front of me. And while "steamed, no sauce" is healthy, it can be boring. "Pile on healthy stuff, and then mix in a scoop of the fatty dish," she says.

10 P.M.: The TV Zone-Out Jeremy and I unwind with a glass of wine and the DVR. Then he disappears into the kitchen and comes back with two bowls of Ben & Jerry's.
Expert fix Berries or popcorn would make better treats, Eyerman says, especially with wine (alcohol weakens resolve). But after a filling dinner at 8 P.M., there's no need to eat at 10. She suggests we head to bed instead—that might be more satisfying than ice cream anyway!

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