Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Avoid a Bad Haircut

1. Act it out. "Avoid talking in terms of inches. Measurements might be scientific, but they're subjective when no one is pulling out a ruler. If you have hair to your collarbone and want it cut to shoulder length, pull your hair up to that exact point."

2. Show more than tell. "Stylists are visual people. Showing a photo or a magazine picture of the look you want is practically foolproof. This is especially crucial when dealing with color, since requesting 'light' streaks could mean you want them lightly placed or bright and pale."

3. Be honest. "Like a doctor who needs to know your medical history to treat you properly, stylists need to know your daily grooming habits to determine the best cut and color. So when asked if you blow-dry every day, tell the truth. The cut you want may be high maintenance, and you won't get the same effect if you air-dry."

4. Cut your losses before your hair.
"If you can't come to an agreement or if you're not comfortable with your stylist's suggestions, tell him politely that you're not ready to make a change, and then seek a second opinion. As in every type of relationship, some stylists and clients just rub each other the wrong way."

5. Pay attention in the chair. "It is not the time to flip through a magazine, make calls on your cell, or slip into a catnap. While your stylist is working, watch in the mirror, and don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions."

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