Thursday, June 4, 2009

Get exercise workout advice based on your type of career.

1. Schedule wisely
“Have a plan for what the kids will be doing while you’re working out,” Antonucci suggests. Try scheduling naptime, TV time or game time for the kids when you know you’ll be exercising.

2. Make a playdate
You and your kids can stay healthy together with scheduled playtimes. Rivera suggests playing a team sport with your kids. “You’ll burn lots of calories by spending time with your child and don’t even have to set foot in the gym,” she says.

3. Go for a ride
Another way to get moving with the kids is to “strap a helmet on you and the little ones, then ride your bikes to the library instead of driving,” says Conway. Not only will you stay fit, you’ll also teach your kids an eco-friendly way to get around town.

4. Reach out
We know some mothers think they can do it all, but you don’t have to. “Get help if you need it,” says Antonucci. “Take turns babysitting with another mom. You’ll each get one hour to watch the children and one hour alone to exercise.”

For the 8-5 Worker

When you work an eight-hour day, it often feels impossible to get up an hour earlier to exercise before work. Then, by the time you leave work, the gym is probably the last place you want to be. But all is not lost! Try a few of these changes for the motivation you need to tone up your body.

1. Put it in writing
To guarantee you’ll leave work on time, Antonucci suggests signing up for an exercise class.

2. Drink water all day
The best thing you can do is stay hydrated while at work. “This will help you avoid missing a workout due to dehydration, lethargy or headaches,” says Antonucci.

3. Eat well
“Bring healthy snacks to the office,” says Rivera. She recommends a complex carbohydrate, such as fruit or whole-wheat crackers, for energy, along with a protein such as lowfat cheese or nuts to keep you full.

4. Make a quick change
Simple but brilliant: “Change into your gym clothes at the office,” says Antonucci. “Once you’re dressed, you’re less likely to go straight home.”

For Long Shifts and Weekend Hours

Whether you’re working in a hospital for three days straight or picking up weekend and night shifts at a restaurant for a little extra money, the best tactic is to squeeze in a mini-workout or two throughout the day. Try these tips:

1. Make the most of break time
Exercise at lunch or during breaks in your workday. “Two or three 10-minute walks a day do count,” says Antonucci.

2. Count your steps
Rivera knows a great way to ensure that you’re getting enough exercise: Wear a pedometer! “If you work all day and night with no chance of gym time, aim for 10,000 steps during your work shift,” she says.

3. Maximize days off
Even if it’s just for a few minutes, make sure you do some sort of exercise each day you aren’t working. Antonucci points out that “you may have more days off than the rest of us, so make the most of them.”

For Business Travelers

If most of your time is spent packing suitcases, preparing presentations and driving or flying to the next destination, it can be hard to find time for the gym. These tips will help the next time you go out of town for work.

1. Pack smart
Not sure if the hotel has a workout room? No worries—bring the gym with you. Always pack sneakers and socks so you can take a quick walk. Antonucci also recommends packing Thera-Bands, which you can use for strength training in your hotel room.

2. Plan on eating healthy
Ask for a refrigerator in your room if possible, says Antonucci. Stash fresh fruit, yogurt and lowfat cheese sticks to fend off vending machine munchies.

3. Take a tour
Even if you’ve been to that city before, a walking tour is a great way to see sights and get in some exercise.

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