Saturday, June 27, 2009

Check out your Skin Types

Check out carefully the skin type that belong to you. If you desire any assistance for the same you can contact WB (Women Beauty) experts to closely guide you in identifying your skin type.


It is a smooth textured and evenly toned with tiny pores.
This skin type has a balanced oil and water content. Feels smooth and velvety. The colour of the skin glows below the translucent surface. This skin type definitely needs care if it is to last.

What you need to follow as a rule is regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing.


This type of skin has over reactive sebaceous (oil-producing) glands,
which makes the face shiny especially down the central panel-your nose, forehead and chin.
The pores of this skin type are enlarged making it prone to black-head, pimple and Acne.

Oily skin needs special cleansing to keep the pores unclogged. Women with oily skin need to adopt a daily proper method of cleansing to prevent accumulation of dirt on the skin surface.


This type of skin lacks both sebum and moisture. It looks fine textured, transparent, patchy and fragile. This type of skin flakes and chaps easily compared to other skin types. Tiny expression lines may be obvious.
Signs of a dry skin are:

(i) Flaky patches that disappear with regular moisturizing.
(ii) Finely textured with the pores not being
(iii) Tiny expression lines that do not disappear.
(iv) The skin of neck and cheeks looks creepy.

Guides on Hand & Nail Care


  • Wear rubber gloves lined with cotton when your hands are in contact with harsh soaps, detergents or chemicals.

  • Wear gloves when doing work that might damage the hands or nails, such as gardening or shovelling snow.

  • After washing your hands, pat dry and, while moist, use a moisturizer on the hands, cuticles and nails. Chemically enhanced moisturizers that contain urea of lactic acid are even more efficient in binding water to the skin (Uremol, Calmurid, Lachydrin, Lacticare).

  • If your hands must be in and out of water frequently apply a silicone or a similarly based protectant film that sheds water over the hands and nails (Prevex, Atrixo, Barriere Cream).

  • If nails darken despite good cleansing habits, a drop of lemon oil massaged twice weekly into the nail plate may work but must not be overdone or irritation of the surrounding skin and drying of the nail plate may occur.

  • Nail polish protects the nail from stains, physical trauma, and acts as a barrier to chemicals. Use it but don`t overuse it or it may stain and dry nails, particularly if nail polish hardeners are used frequently. A base coat will allow your polish to last longer.

  • If your nails are dry, soak them for 10 minutes twice daily in warm water, pat dry and immediately apply one of the chemically enhanced moisturizers that contain urea, lactic acid or glycerin oil.

  • Sculpt and shape your nails by filling in one direction with a very fine file. Avoid vigorous up and down or back and forth motions which may tear apart the various layers of the nails. Avoid sharp angles. Attend to small cracks, snags and breaks immediately.

  • Treat yourself to a weekly manicure if possible; it is relaxing and keeps the nails healthy looking and attractive. Do not forget your toenails!

  • As they age, the nails thicken, grow more slowly, repair poorly and are susceptible to various skin diseases. Watch for changes and see your dermatologist early enough to treat problems.


  • Avoid digging blindly into a drawer or purse where a sharp object may crack or break the nail or harm the delicate skin around the nail.

  • Avoid using the nails to do pick-up tasks. Use the soft ends of the fingers rather that the fragile nail; they will soon chip and break if used this way.

  • Avoid gluing on false or molded nails; allergic and painful reactions may occur. "Mending paper" or tea-bag paper can be used to bridge large cracks.

  • Do not reapply nail hardener or polish more often than necessary; these agents can discolor nails and make them brittle if overused. Try to repair your manicure rather than replace it. Avoid chipping and peeling off nail polish.

  • Do not bother adding gelatin and calcium supplements to an otherwise well-balanced diet. They have no know positive effects on the nails despite certain claims.

  • Do not use too much polish remover. Apply moisturizer after using nail polish remover in order minimize the irritating and drying cation of the acetone.

  • Do not grow excessively long nails; they are too prone to breakage.

  • Wrapping nails is laborious and is difficult to do without help. Avoid this technique unless your nails are particularly prone to breaking.

  • Do not push back your cuticles too vigorously or you will harm the growing moon of the nail. Push them back only when the skin around the nails is warms and wet and therefore softer and easier to manipulate.

  • Avoid applying sharp instruments under the nails. They might break the nail to skin bond.

  • Do not ignore nails that separate from beds (it may be due to iron or thyroid deficiency), nails that thicken (it may be fungus infection) or pit (it may be psoriasis. See your doctor. The nail and skin reflect internal well being or disturbance.

Confessions of a Wedding Planner: 5 Signs a Couple Will Crash and Burn

After witnessing 50 to 80 weddings per year (and being exposed to behaviors that a couple doesn't always reveal to others), a wedding planner has identified some signs that scream "Red flag!" Here, she spills the predictors of whether a couple will live happily ever after or bite the dust.

1. The Bride Refuses to Let the Groom Choose the Cake

"Brides are almost always more interested in the minutiae of wedding planning than grooms are. But when I encounter a woman who refuses to relinquish any control to her fiancé, it doesn't bode well. I can think of a few instances in which the woman ruled the event with an iron fist and the couple ended up in divorce court a few years later. Basically, they weren't able to make decisions together."

2. The Groom Lets His Mom Call the Shots

"Most of my brides involve their moms in the planning process, and why wouldn't they? It's like having a second planner for free. But sometimes, grooms' mothers try to muscle in too, which is something I'll never understand. Not only is it inappropriate, but it's up to her son to tell her that."

3. The Bride Blows Half the Budget on Her Dress

"Weddings are pricier than ever, and money-related issues can cause a lot of undue tension. So when a bride goes behind her groom's back and splurges on a big-name dress or expensive flower arrangements, I start to get nervous. It's a huge sign that she doesn't respect him and refuses to compromise...and trust me, those tendencies don't disappear after she walks down the aisle. I have worked with tons of couples who fought viciously over the wedding budget and learned later that many of them continued to argue and eventually split."

4. The Bride Freaks Over the Groom's Bachelor Party

"I've seen some women wig out about the possibility of her guy having a boys' night at a strip club. One client of mine even threatened to leave her fiancé if he had a bachelor party. But my motto is: If you can't trust him, why the hell are you walking down the aisle?!"

Wondering how wild typical prewedding bashes can get? Read Cosmo's Confessions of a Bachelor Party Stripper.

5. The Bride and Groom Fight in Front of Me

"No matter how in love two people may be, planning a ceremony and reception is overwhelming and will no doubt cause a few tiffs. But warning bells immediately start ringing for me if the couple gets really heated with each other in my presence. Arguments are private, and dragging me into them shows that there is a lack of respect for each other and for their bond."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Apply Eye Make Up in 8 Steps

When evening calls for a glamorous look, you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here's how to apply eye makeup in only 8 steps.

Time Required: 10 minutes

Here's How:

  1. Prep your eyes with concealer Concealer can be used to cover up undereye circles or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. To cover dark undereye circles, apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge. Pat, never rub with your ring finger (this finger tends to have the softest pad) until it disappears.
  2. Apply eye base to your lid Eye base is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without properly priming your lid first, your eyeshadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.
  3. Apply shadow. It's great to use a three-toned shadow and build from lids to brow. Allowing them to blend into each other like a rainbow is gorgeous, according to celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal. Start with a light color that almost matches your lid. Sweep the color across the lid and up to your browbone. Follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.
  4. Follow with eyeliner Dark eyeshadows work great as eyeliners. Wet a slanted brush, then dip in a dark eyeshadow. Line eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible from the inner corner to the outer corner. Follow with liner on bottom eyes, but only line from the middle of the eye out. Smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip or your finger. You don't want a prominent line. For a smokey eye, use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. You don't want a stark line, instead you want to blend it so it's 'smudge-y.'
  5. Brighten your eyes with a highlighter This step involves only the inside part of the eye. With a gold or pink highlighter (white is too bright), draw a v-shaped shape that follows the inner corner of your eye from top to bottom. Blend with your fingers. This will help make eyes 'pop.'
  6. Highlight your brow Take the same highlighter and dab it on your browbone, concentrating on your mid-brow outward. Blend with your finger.
  7. Curl lashes An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blowdryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
  8. Apply mascara Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Scary-Easy Ways to Eat 1,000 Calories

The Sandwich Scenario:
You're in the mood for a sandwich, so you pull out two hearty slices of wheat bread and spread a tablespoon of mayo on each slice. You add a couple slices of Swiss cheese, about four slices of ham, plus some lettuce and tomato. A can of soda and a handful of potato chips round out this pretty basic lunch. As unassuming as it sounds, you just racked up 1,015 calories! Take a look at the breakdown...

Bread = 200 calories
Mayo = 115 calories
Cheese = 212 calories
Ham = 183 calories
Soda = 150 calories
Chips = 155 calories

Hungry Girl Tips: Go for light bread, low-fat mayo, 2% Swiss cheese, and extra-lean ham. Ditch the can of regular soda for Coke Zero. And choose Baked! Lay's instead of regular chips. Now that meal will only cost you about 415 calories. MUCH BETTER!

The At-Work Scenario:
Your boss brought in a pretty nice spread of bagels, muffins, pastries, and fancy coffee drinks for the team. How can you refuse? You grab a large bagel and smear a few tablespoons of cream cheese onto each half. You snag one of the whipped-cream-topped mocha drinks to wash it down. And to keep it healthy and balanced, you spoon out a small cup of fruit salad. Now it's not even lunchtime, and you just downed 1,000 calories. Ouch. Here's how it adds up...

Bagel = 360 calories
Cream Cheese = 202 calories
Mocha Coffee Drink w/ Whipped Cream = 363 calories
Fruit Salad = 75 calories

Hungry Girl Tips: No need to avoid the breakfast spread altogether. Grab an English muffin instead of that doughy bagel, and spread a tablespoon of jelly on it instead of all that cream cheese. Treat yourself to a small nonfat mocha drink without the whipped cream. And enjoy that fruit salad... in fact, DOUBLE the portion! You can have all that for less than HALF the calories.

The Drive-Thru Scenario:
You're craving fast food, and you're pressed for time. So you pull up to McDonald's and order a Big Mac, medium fries, and a medium Coke. That comes to 1,130 calories, without any super-sizing whatsoever. Look...

Big Mac = 540 calories
Fries = 380 calories
Coke = 210 calories

Hungry Girl Tips: Get the Premium Grilled Chicken Sandwich without the mayo, an order of Apple Dippers with the Low-Fat Caramel Sauce, and a Diet Coke. Now you're down to 475 calories, and you didn't even have to leave McDonald's.

The Dinner-Out Scenario:
You're at Chili's with 3 friends, and you're craving those Boneless Buffalo Wings. But you decide to get your fix with the Boneless Buffalo Chicken SALAD. (Aren't you smart!) Since you avoided the appetizer temptation, you agree to share that Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with your 3 pals. Hate to break it to you, but you hit 1,000 calories before you even stuck your fork into that dessert. The salad plus your share of dessert comes to 1,468 calories! Here's how...

Salad = 1,070 calories
1/4th of Dessert = 398 calories

Hungry Girl Tips: Instead of that salad, order the Guiltless Buffalo Chicken Sandwich. And get your OWN dessert -- the Sweet Shot Red Velvet Cake. That comes to only 636 calories. NOT BAD!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

5 Suprising secrets men avoid to let you know

1. We notice what you're wearing. Make sure you cater what you wear to what you're doing. I try not to make a girl walk too much if she's in heels. Also, I've seen girls wear pearls and a nice blouse to trashy outdoor drinking events, or heels to sporting events.

2. We hate when you try too hard to be one of the guys. It's pretty lame that my buddies and I invent words and languages and then giggle over them like school children. But what's even lamer: when some outsider tries to use the language, without ability to contribute. That's what one of my old girlfriends did. My friends and I would discuss how she was trying to speak like us, and it got to the point where I bristled every time I heard her speak one of our made up words.

3. We are afraid of commitment. Commitment means that I've decided that the woman I'm settling down with is perfect and there is no one else out there for me. Commitment means I've found my soul mate, that I am completely secure with myself, and that there should be no going back. I don't know about you, but all of that is pretty heavy. I think the old adage "Girls mature faster than boys" comes into play here. Commitment is a sign of maturity, and it just takes some of us longer.

4. Getting too tipsy on a date is a turnoff. Some people turn into a completely different person when they are drunk. Let the other person learn about you while you're sober, before you get wasted with them. Alcohol should be introduced into the relationship slowly, but if a drink or two takes the edge off, and wine adds romance it's fine. Just don't push it too far.

5. We get jealous because we're insecure. If a guy feels like he does not deserve a woman or is not good enough for her, he will become jealous easily, and worried that he's going to lose her to another guy. On the other hand, I admit that I have tried to make girls I'm interested in jealous on purpose before.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Change your Metabolic - Guides

Have a big breakfast
When you wake up, your metabolism is usually at its highest, so it's smart to have a healthy, hearty A.M. meal. Not only will it keep you energized throughout the morning, but you'll also be able to burn it off more easily throughout the day (because you'll head off splurges the are caused by being famished), making weight loss more attainable. In fact, obese women who ate a 600-calorie breakfast shed about 40 pounds in eight months, whereas those who ate smaller morning meals experienced only a 9-pound loss, according to a study conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. The secret? Breakfasts that contained a mix of protein, which helps keep blood sugar levels steady and staves off hunger, and carbs, which satisfy while helping to protect you from cravings later on. I like nonfat yogurt with fruit and low-carb granola, or you can try oatmeal with honey, walnuts and blueberries. An egg white omelet is another smart option: The amino acids in egg whites help build lean muscle that may in turn help boost metabolism. These Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomato Frittatas provide 17 grams of protein, as well. Whatever your breakfast choice, try to get about 400 calories.

Switch on a sitcom
I don't have ton of time to watch TV, but when I do I happily indulge, knowing that flipping on a funny show (Saturday Night Live, The Office and 30 Rock are faves) can crank up my calorie burn. It's true! When people watched a humorous program, they had a 20 percent increase in heart rate and resting metabolism, according to a study at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Laughing uses a lot of energy because it recruits a variety of muscle groups, most importantly your abs. Laugh for just 15 minutes a day and that metabolic boost could add up to 14,600 more calories burned per year. That's about 4 pounds!

Break a sweat
You didn't think you could boost your metabolism without any exercise, did you? Well, the good news is that you don't need to spend your life in a gym to make a dent in your fat-burning ability. The ideal amount to deliver a solid metabolism boost: 40 minutes of heart-pumping activity three days a week, a study in Obesity reports.

Soup up your strength
Building lean muscle—whether by lifting weights or with weight-bearing exercise such as jogging—is a genius way to pump up metabolism. Why? Lean muscle burns about three times as many calories as fat, so if you squeeze in two fat-melting sessions a week, your body will automatically zap up to 150 extra calories every day, even when you're sitting on the couch. And research shows it could whittle your middle, too. Women who strength trained lost more ab fat than those instructed only to walk, a study from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia finds.

Keep mealtimes on schedule
When you're used to eating at specific times throughout the day, your body learns to anticipate food, making its digestion and metabolism more efficient. In fact, a study at the University of Nottingham in England found that women who ate at predictable times consumed 120 fewer daily calories overall and burned them faster than those who ate haphazardly. Researchers think the schedule may help your body produce the right amount of insulin as well as hunger and fullness hormones so you don't overdo it.

Don't skimp on calories
You may think that subsisting on lemon water and radishes is a fast way to shed pounds. But when your daily intake dips below 1,000 calories a day, your plan is bound to backfire. Not only is it nearly impossible to maintain such a restrictive diet, it's counterproductive: Your metabolism puts on the brakes when your body detects too little food coming in, which impedes weight loss efforts long-term. Plus, your body may eventually begin to raid its own muscle stores for the energy it needs. Do what's helped millions of women lose weight: Eat plenty of healthy foods and still slim down.

Retreat from your seat
Staying on your feet revs metabolism and doubles your calorie burn during workdays, a study in Diabetes reports. Sitting for a few hours switches off enzymes that capture fat in the bloodstream, but rising reignites them. Surrender during phone calls and take frequent trips to the water fountain and fill up on cool H20 that's 72 degrees or less; research shows it'll temporarily boost metabolism.

Spice up your meals
Adding chiles to your next dish can crank up your metabolism, thanks to a compound in them called capsaicin. The clever little compound has a thermogenic effect, meaning it causes the body to burn extra calories for 20 minutes after consumption. Another plus: It's impossible to gobble up spicy food without coming up for air (and we don't mean margaritas!). By eating more slowly, your brain has more time to register that your stomach is full, so you won't overeat.

Simple Ways of Slimming Down Without Really Trying

Go for home-grown
When choosing foods, consider the source. Before that sweet potato landed in your fridge, it was grown in the ground. Those potato chips in your cupboard, on the other hand, were mostly manufactured in an assembly line before they caught your eye in aisle 6. Which seems like the smarter choice? The less a food is processed, the healthier it is for you because processing takes out nutrients such as antioxidants and fiber, and even when food chemists add them back, nothing is as beneficial as what's natural. Opt for picks like whole fruit and veggies in particular. When people eat vegetables with a meal, they consume a full 20 percent fewer calories overall--and still feel satisfied afterward, according to a study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Carrots, anyone?

Choose crunch

Speaking of carrots, snacks that offer big, satisfying crunch--such as, yes, carrots, but also apples, snap peas and nuts (sorry, processed carbs like sugary cereals and candy don't count)--keep your mouth busy longer than food you inhale like a vacuum cleaner. Experts say that the more you chew, the longer it takes to eat and the more time your body has to realize it is satisfied. The result: You eat less and naturally shed pounds.

Read the fine print

To get the real scoop on a food, check out the back of the box. When you see a list of hard-to-pronounce ingredients, there is a greater chance something artificial is mixed in that's not necessarily waistline-friendly. A shorter list usually indicates a more nutritious and slimming pick.

Forget about feasting
Unless it's a holiday or a special celebration, there's no need to eat with abandon. Let's be honest: Food you munch after you're full doesn't taste nearly as good. And experts say that taste buds are not as sharp after the first few mouthfuls, so overdoing it with bland bites is liable to leave you bloated. Better to savor the initial nibbles and then stop after consuming a reasonable portion.

Eyeball servings

Knowing your portion sizes is important, but the jingle in your purse should be from your keys, not a set of measuring spoons. Rather than tote around a food scale, learn these simple visual cues: A 3-ounce serving of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of a deck of cards; two servings of pasta or rice is the size of a baseball; a bread serving is the size of a CD case; one serving of cheese is the size of four dice.

Go halfsies

When dining out, ask for a half portion of your meal or request that 50 percent of it be packed into a doggie bag before you're served. More restaurants are open to this plan, and some are beginning to offer smaller-sized versions of the usual order. Another idea? Have two appetizers: The calorie total is usually lower than that for one entree.

Park yourself at the table

We sit at work, on the train, in the car, yet we rarely stay put during dinner. Fifty-nine percent of young women eat on the go, a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association finds, and on-the-run noshers consume more total fat as well as more soda and fast food. The less distracted and stressed you are when you dine, the more efficiently your body absorbs nutrients. So flip off "Lost", wander out of your office and turn off your car before you grab your fork.

Skip sugary sips

Scan any supermarket shelf or cafe;, and you're likely to spot hundreds of beverages offering vitamins, minerals and energy. Reality check: Most are simply sweetened water. Don't let the snappy labels pull a fast one on you: If it's not skim milk, plain agua or regular coffee or tea, it's dessert. For a healthier quaff, try lemon or mint iced tea or sparkling water with a splash of juice.

Fill up in the morning
There's a reason for the term "breakfast of champions": Eating a bigger morning meal helps you power through the day as you efficiently burn those calories. But piling a dinner plate high only to settle into the sofa to watch TV or snooze isn't as conducive to staying slim. This doesn't mean you need to resort to a banana for dinner, but aiming for a 300- to 500-calorie breakfast will help prevent you from overeating at night, when you're more apt to convert those calories into fat.

Quit the clean plate club
Even if you (or someone else) slaved over the stove to prepare an amazing meal, don't feel obligated to polish off every last morsel. Sure, your grandmother might have admonished you for leaving food on your plate when you were 6, but munching after you're full out of guilt won't help you stay slim, much less lead to weight loss. So rather than force yourself to swallow another bite, wrap up your leftovers for lunch tomorrow or toss scraps in the trash. I won't tell on you!

Cut yourself some slack
If you eat well most of the time yet occasionally crave a fast food fix, a cupcake or meatball sub, go for it and savor each bite. You can happily resume your sensible plan once you satisfy the urge.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Get exercise workout advice based on your type of career.

1. Schedule wisely
“Have a plan for what the kids will be doing while you’re working out,” Antonucci suggests. Try scheduling naptime, TV time or game time for the kids when you know you’ll be exercising.

2. Make a playdate
You and your kids can stay healthy together with scheduled playtimes. Rivera suggests playing a team sport with your kids. “You’ll burn lots of calories by spending time with your child and don’t even have to set foot in the gym,” she says.

3. Go for a ride
Another way to get moving with the kids is to “strap a helmet on you and the little ones, then ride your bikes to the library instead of driving,” says Conway. Not only will you stay fit, you’ll also teach your kids an eco-friendly way to get around town.

4. Reach out
We know some mothers think they can do it all, but you don’t have to. “Get help if you need it,” says Antonucci. “Take turns babysitting with another mom. You’ll each get one hour to watch the children and one hour alone to exercise.”

For the 8-5 Worker

When you work an eight-hour day, it often feels impossible to get up an hour earlier to exercise before work. Then, by the time you leave work, the gym is probably the last place you want to be. But all is not lost! Try a few of these changes for the motivation you need to tone up your body.

1. Put it in writing
To guarantee you’ll leave work on time, Antonucci suggests signing up for an exercise class.

2. Drink water all day
The best thing you can do is stay hydrated while at work. “This will help you avoid missing a workout due to dehydration, lethargy or headaches,” says Antonucci.

3. Eat well
“Bring healthy snacks to the office,” says Rivera. She recommends a complex carbohydrate, such as fruit or whole-wheat crackers, for energy, along with a protein such as lowfat cheese or nuts to keep you full.

4. Make a quick change
Simple but brilliant: “Change into your gym clothes at the office,” says Antonucci. “Once you’re dressed, you’re less likely to go straight home.”

For Long Shifts and Weekend Hours

Whether you’re working in a hospital for three days straight or picking up weekend and night shifts at a restaurant for a little extra money, the best tactic is to squeeze in a mini-workout or two throughout the day. Try these tips:

1. Make the most of break time
Exercise at lunch or during breaks in your workday. “Two or three 10-minute walks a day do count,” says Antonucci.

2. Count your steps
Rivera knows a great way to ensure that you’re getting enough exercise: Wear a pedometer! “If you work all day and night with no chance of gym time, aim for 10,000 steps during your work shift,” she says.

3. Maximize days off
Even if it’s just for a few minutes, make sure you do some sort of exercise each day you aren’t working. Antonucci points out that “you may have more days off than the rest of us, so make the most of them.”

For Business Travelers

If most of your time is spent packing suitcases, preparing presentations and driving or flying to the next destination, it can be hard to find time for the gym. These tips will help the next time you go out of town for work.

1. Pack smart
Not sure if the hotel has a workout room? No worries—bring the gym with you. Always pack sneakers and socks so you can take a quick walk. Antonucci also recommends packing Thera-Bands, which you can use for strength training in your hotel room.

2. Plan on eating healthy
Ask for a refrigerator in your room if possible, says Antonucci. Stash fresh fruit, yogurt and lowfat cheese sticks to fend off vending machine munchies.

3. Take a tour
Even if you’ve been to that city before, a walking tour is a great way to see sights and get in some exercise.

Four Must Sneaky Ways to Hit on a Guy

Dating Move #1: Ask him to settle an argument. This one requires some help from a combative girlfriend. Maneuver yourself close to your target and then start pushing your homegirl's buttons with provocative assertions like "Dave Coulier was cuter than John Stamos." When things start getting heated, ask your crush to play tiebreaker. Soon enough you'll be the Rebecca to his Uncle Jesse.

Dating Move #2: Ask him where he got his shirt. He'll probably say, "I dunno, it's just a shirt," but that's only because he doesn't want to seem like a wussy fashion heva. Odds are he knows who designed his shirt and is tickled that you asked. If you're feeling especially bold, reach around his neck and look at the tag.

Dating Move #3:
Tell him he looks like a high school classmate.
Maybe this is immoral, but I'd also advise making up some crazy story about the dude just to get the ball rolling. As long as you're not trying to make yourself look good, I think tall tales are a perfectly acceptable courting tool. And if you end up together, it will be a cute story for the kids.

Dating Move #4:
Ask him if he knows what song is playing.
This gives him a chance to show off his music cred, and if you show him you're into the tunes, it's the perfect lead-in for him to ask you to dance. But be judicious with your song choices; if you ask him during the national anthem, he might suspect you're up to something.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

10 most essential guides to get yourself a perfect bathing suit body

1. Hit the restart button
I could care less how you have eaten in the past, what you weigh today, or how long you sat on the couch watching TV yesterday. Moving on, this is your rebirth. Don't let the past stop you from embracing your future.

2. Assemble a crew
No woman or man is an island and NO ONE can do it alone. The days I get to workout with friends are so much more productive than the days I have to go at it alone. It's like night and day. Exercise has been a big part of my life for over 22 years, and I am not going to lie, I still need inspiration and people to help me be accountable. In other words, I need a good kick in the butt. Sound familiar? Find a few friends who you can schedule exercise with, and I recommend more than one in case someone flakes. If you're watching what you eat, find friends who are attempting to tackle their food issues, too. You can swap easy and tasty recipes or just have someone to call when you want to make a pit stop at the emotional drive-thru.

3. Believe in your goals
To successfully reach a large goal, you've got to believe it's possible. Look to the future and visualize your destination. Continue to drive this image of success home and imagine the feeling when you reach your goal. Eventually, you crossing the finish line will be part of your belief system. Do this visualization once or twice a day; it's a reprogramming of the mind, body, and heart.

4. Eliminate obstacles
Before you can move on to the technical part of eating well and exercising, you have to look at some of the things in your life that may be stopping you: depression, bad relationships, high stress, little time, or feeling lazy. I know them all. Whatever it is in your life, can you find a way to minimize its impact, begin dealing with it once and for all, and break the old habits to make room for the new?

This statement was said to me and really resonated: "There are no victims, just volunteers." At a certain point we all have to decide, are we going to let the past keep us from our future regardless of how painful or difficult it has been? I'm not trying to be insensitive; I am merely saying you can get beyond the past that is not serving you now.

5. Put it down on paper
Now that we have talked about some of the abstract parts of making our summertime change, it's time to tackle the nuts and bolts of our plan. The key here is to make a plan. You know where you want to be, but how are you going to get there? Write down your goals and then create a strategy for each one of them. For example, if you are not exercising at all, then your plan might be to get moving 3 or 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day. (Walking is a great exercise that anyone can do.) If you are overeating, then begin by cutting your meals and snacks in half. There is no magic pill, and, yes, hard work is still a key part of your success.

6. Just say no to stress
We all have stress in our daily lives and experience more severe stress from time to time. It's important to find ways to minimize the effects of stress on our bodies. Among other negative health consequences, stress can make you gain weight or keep you from losing it (especially around the mid-section). My favorite stress-busting techniques include deep breathing, meditation, prayer, screaming into a pillow, psychotherapy, and boxing classes. This is my challenge to you: Can you push the stress away and find ways to keep it from sneaking in?

7. Give nutrient-poor foods the boot
This may be too restrictive for you, but these are the rules I find most effective for losing or maintaining weight:

  • No fast food
  • No white, processed foods (white sugar, flour, pasta, rice, bread, dairy, and any other WHITE food). Is brown rice okay? You bet.
  • Watch portion sizes
  • Avoid snack foods in bags, wrappers, and microwavable packages
  • Eat only until you are full, and only when you are truly hungry
  • Avoid reaching for foods in a times of stress, loneliness, depression or boredom. When you feel yourself arriving at that place call a member from your crew or go take a drive.
  • Eliminate alcohol. Alcoholic drinks tend to be full of calories and also can lead to careless eating when you get a little buzzed.
  • Reach for water. Sugary drinks (diet and regular sodas, juices, and even the "healthy" beverages) make up 20% of the average American's daily calories.

8. Find your caveman
You can't just turn on your thin switch; I wish it were that easy. A body in motion stays in motion, and since the beginning of time, humans were meant to move. It's not just about sweating and suffering -- I believe we feel better on many levels when we are doing more physical activity. Not everyone is a professional athlete, but we are all capable of picking up the pace. Find your own way, at your own fitness level, with things you like to do; but find that caveman or woman inside of you and move!

9. Enjoy the moment
We all want to get there right away, but try to enjoy the moment wherever you are. Even for the challenging stuff you are dealing with, try to embrace it and learn from it. Look ahead to where you want to go, and stay inspired to strive. But, be careful not to get so overwhelmed with the endpoint that you pass by where you are right now.

10. Have some fun and reward yourself
If you get into a good rhythm for a few weeks, congratulate yourself and celebrate. Throw a dinner for your crew and honor each other for work well-done. You don't have to go so far as to give out mini trophies, unless you really want to; it feels good just to celebrate as a group and to be recognized for your hard work.

8 Slimming Secrets to Eat More Chocolate

1. Less is more with mini chocolate chips. These little guys are one of my secret weapons when it comes to sneaking chocolate into sweet treats. Because they're much smaller than standard chips, you need fewer to get more in each bite. I use them in my signature Chocolate Chocolate Brownie Cups (see below), and you can also try adding a few to a sandwich bag with some whole grain cereal for a delicious on-the-go snack.

2. Get creative with cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is not just for baking. Add a spoonful to your favorite fruit smoothie in the morning (my personal favorite is raspberry) or add a touch of cocoa to your oatmeal for a decadent twist. Not only is cocoa powder a light way to get in some chocolate, but it's high in fiber, too.

3. When in doubt, use chocolate syrup. Whenever I'm looking for a quick chocolate fix, I pull out the chocolate syrup and drizzle it on everything from fresh fruit to marshmallows. I love to make breakfast "sundaes" with nonfat yogurt, bananas or berries, low-fat granola, and a drizzle of chocolate syrup on top!

4. Choose chocolate graham crackers. Did you know that chocolate graham crackers are actually low-fat? Though the label almost never says so, 1 chocolate graham sheet has typically only about 3 g of fat. Try these with a glass of low-fat or nonfat milk for a sweet pick-me-up.

5. Get chocolate and protein into your ice blended. I love those frothy ice-blended drinks from the local coffee shop, but they're usually full of fat and empty calories. Blend your own at home with nonfat milk, coffee powder, ice, and chocolate protein powder. It'll give you a great energy boost and satisfy your chocolate craving.

6. Enjoy hot fudge without pudge. Lots of store-bought hot fudge toppings are actually fat-free. Even if the front label doesn't say so, read the nutrition facts. You'll find that many of them actually have zero grams of fat. I dip fresh strawberries in warmed hot fudge for a chocolate "fondue" treat anytime.

7. Don't be afraid to try something new. I'm always looking for new ways to sneak chocolate into my diet. I recently discovered all-natural chocolate brown rice syrup. It's like a cross between chocolate syrup and hot fudge, but it's all-natural, gluten free, and even fat-free! It's made without beet or can sugars, corn syrup, or other refined sweeteners of any kind. It has a super rich, deep chocolate flavor and goes well with everything from fruit to fat-free ice cream. Look for Suzanne's Specialties Chocolate Brown Rice Nectar at Whole Foods or on their website.

Devin Alexander's signature recipe from "The Most Decadent Diet Ever!" (Random House)
Makes 48 brownie cups; 24 servings

Save: 151 calories, 11 g fat, 2 g saturated fat. Each two-brownie serving has: 109 calories, 2 g protein, 23 g carbohydrates, 1 g fat, <1>A traditional brownie serving has about: 260 calories, 3 g protein, 37 g carbohydrates, 12 g fat, 3 g saturated fat, 15 mg cholesterol, 1 g fiber, 165 mg sodium.


Butter-flavored cooking spray
/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 large egg whites
2 cups raw sugar
1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Thoroughly mist two 12-cup nonstick mini-muffin tins with spray.

2. Use a sturdy whisk or spatula to mix the applesauce, vanilla, egg whites, and sugar in a large mixing bowl until well combined. Add the flour, cocoa powder, espresso powder, baking powder, and salt. Stir until just combined and no lumps remain. Working in batches, fill each cup until just barely full. Sprinkle about one-fourth of the chips evenly over the brownies in each of the tins. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out dry (a few crumbs are okay).

3. Transfer the tins to a cooling rack and cool for 5 minutes. Use a butter knife to gently lift the brownies from the muffin tins (if they stick, carefully run the knife around the edge of each cup). Cool on the rack for another 10 minutes. Repeat with the second half of the batter and the remaining chips.

Note: These brownie cups freeze extremely well if you want to keep them on hand for your children's after-school cravings or your midnight sweet tooth. With only 54 calories and less than 1 gram of fat each, you really can't go wrong!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Best and Worst Hairstyles that suite Your Face Shape

Round face: the best
Simple lines with as little volume at the sides as possible, like this simple mid-length bob, are the best choice for round faces. Ginnifer Goodwin gets it right.

Round face: the worst
This center part emphasizes a full forehead, and the volume at the sides widens the cheeks. Clarkson would look much slimmer with volume at the crown and sleek sides.

Square face: the best
The most famous square face in the world knows to keep the hair soft and flowing, with volume only at the crown. While hair should be sleek, it shouldn't hug the face and flatten its contours.

Square face: the worst
Heavy bangs typically exaggerate a square face shape. Pulling the rest of the hair back makes Jessica Alba's face look even more square, flat and ungraceful.

Oval face: the best
When you're blessed with a symmetrical oval face, you should show it off. Halle Berry's simple feminine updo lets her face do the talking.

Oval face: the worst
Compared with her simple updo, this tousled, face-hugging style with a lot going on manages to make even one of the world's most beautiful oval faces look ordinary.

Heart face: the best
A heart-shaped face like Christina Ricci's can look like a work of art with the right hairstyle like this simple bob. Keep the bangs narrow (width-wise) in order to minimize a broad forehead. Length should be chin-length or longer with no volume on the sides.

Heart face: the worst
Heart-shaped faces should avoid styles that emphasize a bare forehead and open up at the sides, emphasizing the width of the face. All you see here is Ricci's forehead. We think Christina should stick with the bangs.

Diamond face: the best
A diamond face is an oval with angles. Almost any style works for this shape, but soft draping bangs and gentle sweeping lines are great for countering the shape's sharp angles. This bob is one of Rihanna's best looks.

Diamond face: the worst
Diamond shapes should stick with graceful, flowing styles that avoid volume at the top and sides. This look is all top volume, which gives Rihanna a bit of a "Conehead" look.

Oblong face: the best
The oblong shape is possibly the most challenging face shape to style. Kelly Rowland gets it right with long side-swept bangs and volume at the sides, which together work to create the illusion of facial fullness while minimizing face length.

Oblong face: the worst
While bangs can work for oblong shapes, they should be soft and preferably angled to help create the illusion of roundness. Stick-straight bangs with stick-straight sides just flatten and further elongate Liv Tyler's face in this photo.

Best 9 flirting tips that works

STEP 1: Learn the Art of Eye Contact
Don't shy away from staring him down, but do it the right way. Ease into it by practicing triangular gazing, where you look at one eye, then the other, then at his mouth. Strauss says practicing this for just a day will get you ready to start learning to interact with single men you're attracted to. Once you've locked eyes, keep looking: one study showed that it takes about 13 glances before the average guy approaches a woman!
More Dating Articles from Marie Claire:

STEP 2: Practice Small Talk
Before you approach a guy you're into, make sure you've got the basics of small talk down. "Challenge yourself to go out and make small talk with five strangers today," advises Strauss. "Don't worry about whether they're people you want to date. Approach grandfathers, other women, someone who's not your type, whomever you come across. It'll help you adjust to stepping out of your comfort zone."

STEP 3: Perfect Your Body Language
Want to get under his skin? "Get just a centimeter into a guy's comfort zone, and look up at him with big eyes," says Strauss. The no- fail move? "Put your chest out, chin down, eyes high in the socket, head slightly tilted, and your weight on one foot. That's important. If your feet are planted, they feel the resistance, just as much as they would if you had your arms crossed." Practice makes perfect -- you might look like a cross-eyed chicken at first, but get it down right and it'll make him crazy.

STEP 4: Don't Think Before You Speak
Don't think too long before you open your mouth or it'll come off unnatural and awkward. "People sense it when something sounds too premeditated; that makes them uncomfortable," Strauss says.

STEP 5: Ask for Help
When it comes to conversation starters, asking for his help or opinion is a sure thing, says Strauss. "Maybe it's some article from a women's magazine that offers some kind of advice and you want to know if he agrees with it or not. Or maybe: 'It's my cousin's birthday and I want to buy him a CD, but his taste hasn't evolved since the 80's. Any suggestions?' Or maybe your friend just got a three-legged cat and you need a name for it."

STEP 6: Set a Time Limit
Within the first 60 seconds of your conversation, Strauss says, immediately mention that you have some kind of time constraint, whether or not you do.

STEP 7: Neg Him
The trick when you're flirting, Strauss says, is "figuring how to keep a balance between being engaging enough to retain someone's attention and not seeming overly available." Tease him a little and call him out by saying something like, "Oh sure you do..."

STEP 8: Lower Your Expectations
Flirt for the sake of flirting. "If you meet a high-quality guy and you're really attached to the idea of him being your boyfriend, that pressure -- that neediness -- is something he'll sense," Strauss warns.

STEP 9: Make It Fun -- for You
Make it about you, not about him. "If it seems like you're trying too hard, whatever you're doing will come across as desperate," Strauss says. His advice? "Think: 'I'm fun. I'm cool. I radiate charisma, I am free to do whatever I want.' The most important thing to remember while you're doing all this flirting is to make it fun for yourself, because then it will be fun for the other person."

Look Divine From Behind - Guides from Jilian Michaels

SELF's tush tightener, which activates your butt muscles nearly 40 percent more efficiently than traditional butt moves like lunges (though we love a good lunge, too). Here's how to try it: Balance on right side with legs stacked, right hand supporting head, left hand resting on floor in front of chest. Squeezing butt, raise left leg 2 feet, foot flexed. Flex bottom foot; lift bottom leg to meet top leg; pause; lower one leg at a time for one rep. Do 12 reps; switch sides; repeat. To make it easier, lift and lower only top leg. To make it harder, hold a 5- to 8-pound weight on top thigh. For a demo of the move and instruction by SELF fitness director Meaghan B. Murphy, sign up for the SELF Challenge.

Jillian Michaels, trainer extraordinaire and new SELF contributor, also thinks jumping lunges are a fantastic firmer. "They just blast the heck out of your glutes while working hamstrings and other muscles in the legs." Try this sequence one to three times a week after your usual cardio plan. Quickly do one set of the indicated reps of each move; rest 90 seconds. Repeat up to two more times.

MOVE 1: 20 squats
MOVE 2: 20 lunges, alternating legs
MOVE 3: 20 jumping squats (in a fluid movement: squat, jump, squat)
MOVE 4: 20 jumping lunges (lunge forward with right leg and jump high. While in the air, switch legs and land with the left leg in front. Continue, alternating legs.

If you have knee problems or any lower-body injury, try step-ups, which tone glutes 59 percent more than squats, according to a study by the American Council on Exercise in San Diego. To try, hold a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand, then step left leg onto a bench. Step down on right leg. Do 12 reps, and go slow to avoid injury. Switch legs; repeat.