Friday, April 24, 2009

Date Tips: Flirting Moves That Work (and Ones That Never, Ever Will)

Flirting Move #1: The Longer-Than-Normal Eye Gaze
This works, but don't stare him down. Hold the gaze for no more than five seconds, and make sure to smile. I've reeled 'em in countless times this way. It's like a green light. You're silently expressing interest and inviting him or giving him permission to come over.
This is the easiest and most effective way to signal your interest from across the bar, and it is the only excuse a self-confident guy needs to make a move.

Move #2: The Wink
The wink can be friendly or cutesy, but if you really want to stop him in his tracks, modify it. Try the slow wink. You close your eyelid and then open it slowly, and at the same time roll your shoulder forward and lift your chin, like you're laughing in slow-motion. But just know that this move is lethal, and it sends a message loud and clear. You might as well give him your room key. I've never used it on a stranger.
The wink is good in theory but difficult in practice. I'm not very good at winking, so I've never pulled this move -- and if I saw a girl do it, I'd assume she had a twitch.

Flirting Move #3: The Hair Flip
I don't do this because I'm from Southern California and already get the words "ditz" and "Valley girl" thrown at me quicker than I can say, "Like, omigod." But I've been told that single men get excited when you touch your hair.
So, like, you're totally hitting on me, right? When I think "hair flip," I think ditzy. Sorry.

Flirting Move #4: The Oral Fixation (sucking a lollipop, licking lips, etc.)
Always, always do this at some point in the evening. Men imagine that lollipop or Popsicle is... well, you probably get the gist. Warning: Use this move sparingly -- if you spend the whole night perfecting the move, it looks a little over-the-top.
Do single women actually do this? I mean, outside of movies? If so, I've been missing out big-time.

Flirting Move #5: The Mirror (i.e., if you lean in, she leans in)
I do this in job interviews, and a date is essentially a job interview. If a guy isn't interested, he'll sit back. So why should you sit forward and look all anxious and desperate? Sit back! But if he leans in to hang on your every word, by all means, lean in right back.
This is one of my favorite techniques -- subtle but effective. It works well when paired with a slight smile and eye contact.

Flirting Move #6: The Whisper
Teachers change their volume to get your attention. Often they get quieter instead of raising their voices. It works for them, and it can work for you. When you whisper to a man, he has visions of you whispering in the dark. In bed. Do it.
A while ago I was at a party with a date and she leaned over and whispered, "Let's get out of here" in a really seductive voice. Just thinking about it still gives me shivers -- in a good way.

Flirting Move #7: The "Accidental" Touch
I've been told this is disarming -- in a good way. I'm quite the "unaware toucher," but I always make sure the guy accidentally touches me first. That gives me some idea of his interest. Ninety-five percent of the time, if he likes me, he'll touch my arm or leg, usually as a way to emphasize something he's saying. Look for his first accidental touch about an hour into the date (any sooner and he's probably not the most respectful guy).
I'm too shy to bust this out early in a relationship, but I love when single women do it to me.

Flirting Move #8: The Smile
Always smile. Most men love happy drama-free, toothsome women. It's the best move you can make.
If a gaze followed by a smile doesn't bring him over, trust me, he's not interested.

Flirting Move #9: The Footsie Play
I have never done this. If you want to pull a Mrs. Robinson and seduce some young boy, go for it. But it's pretty brazen and kind of cheesy. I'm never that forward. Also, some people have a foot fear -- it's the anti-foot fetish.
It's very aggressive. If bad '80s comedies are any guide, this move should be saved for large family dinners as a way to antagonize relatives, like when you're sitting across from creepy Uncle Melvin.

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