Friday, December 4, 2009

Kim Kardashian Skincare Secrets, Favorite Products, And More!

Kim Kardashian has been described as having “a body of comic book proportions,” and she’s never been shy about flaunting it. When the 29-year-old star of E!’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians steps out of the house, you can bet money that (a) she’ll be wearing something tight, and (b) her hair and makeup will be done. And all that upkeep has a purpose: The woman is building an empire. She runs two Dash clothing stores with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe; has created a set of workout videos; serves as chief stylist for the online shoe company Shoe Dazzle; is producing a reality show, Crisis Control, about the PR biz; and will launch her first fragrance in February with Lighthouse Beauty. Phew!

So Glamour thought she might need a break and offered to give her a taste of the low-maintenance life with this pared-down (and so pretty) makeunder. She indulged us, and then used all those free extra minutes to give us the scoop on babies, mean girls and her back-on-again boyfriend, Reggie Bush.

On Her Makeunder
“The look was really soft and beautiful, and it made me feel more comfortable to go with less makeup on.”
Why She Loves Curve-Hugging Clothes
“If I wear super-slouchy stuff, I don’t feel put together. You have the right to look good and be confident.”
Her Best Get-Ahead Advice
“So many people think that everything will be handed to them, and that’s just not the case. You have to work for what you get.”
The Celeb She’s Dying to Make Over
“Britney Spears. I feel I could style her a bit. I would love to see her hair glam and flowy.”
Why She Switched Up Her Hair Color
“I went blond last summer just to test it out. I felt like I was a different person, I swear. I do think blonds have more fun, but brunettes are sexier.”
The Comments That Drive Her Nuts
“Some people say really mean things about my being overweight. I read something on my Twitter that was like, ‘Oh, you still need to lose a few pounds.’ And I’m just like, Seriously? Come on. If I’m happy and in shape, that’s all that should really matter.”
Her Favorite Beauty Tip
“My makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic, taught me that after you put on concealer, set it with powder on top. It lasts longer.”
The Beauty Phase She Most Regrets
“When I was in high school, I used to wear these turquoise flowers in my hair—with turquoise makeup to match.”
On Becoming an Aunt
“Kourtney’s baby is the first in the family, and I’m just so excited! I’m going to spoil this baby. The first thing she asked me was like, ‘Kim, you know, I still want to go out; will you babysit?’ I was like, ‘Of course!’”
How She Spoils Reggie Bush
“I’m a great cook. His favorite meal is soul food: chicken and macaroni and cheese. That’s my specialty. I’ll cook it once a month with corn bread and greens. That I’ve mastered.”
Any Wedding or Baby Urges?
“No. I think about it all the time—it’s hard not to because of my family—but now isn’t my time.”
Her Makeup Philosophy
“I’m not one of those girls who sleep in makeup because they don’t want their boyfriend to see them without it. If you’re all glammed up, makeup’s just another accessory.”

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Avoid a Bad Haircut

1. Act it out. "Avoid talking in terms of inches. Measurements might be scientific, but they're subjective when no one is pulling out a ruler. If you have hair to your collarbone and want it cut to shoulder length, pull your hair up to that exact point."

2. Show more than tell. "Stylists are visual people. Showing a photo or a magazine picture of the look you want is practically foolproof. This is especially crucial when dealing with color, since requesting 'light' streaks could mean you want them lightly placed or bright and pale."

3. Be honest. "Like a doctor who needs to know your medical history to treat you properly, stylists need to know your daily grooming habits to determine the best cut and color. So when asked if you blow-dry every day, tell the truth. The cut you want may be high maintenance, and you won't get the same effect if you air-dry."

4. Cut your losses before your hair.
"If you can't come to an agreement or if you're not comfortable with your stylist's suggestions, tell him politely that you're not ready to make a change, and then seek a second opinion. As in every type of relationship, some stylists and clients just rub each other the wrong way."

5. Pay attention in the chair. "It is not the time to flip through a magazine, make calls on your cell, or slip into a catnap. While your stylist is working, watch in the mirror, and don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

11 Reasons He Dumped You

When I was little, it drove me crazy when my parents supported "no" with "because I said so." I always wanted a reason. I'm not sure if knowing why always helps, but perhaps if you know common reasons guys break up with girls, you'll at least be able to see it coming. So, here are mine:

I Got Bored: I've read many different hypotheses on attention span, but my favorite is (Wikipedia):

"Continuous attention span, or the amount of time a human can focus on an object without any lapse at all, is very brief and may be as short as 8 seconds. After this amount of time, it is likely that an individual's eyes will shift focus, or that a stray thought will briefly enter consciousness."

My attention span (unless it's a football game or a song) may be worse. I know a relationship is not supposed to be exciting all the time, so getting through those flatline moments between the sparks is critical. If I start having more fun with other activities, the relationship is doomed.

One of Us Was Too Serious: This could be as simple as she wanted to see me three times a week, and I only wanted to see her once a week. If she's flirting with other guys, flighty, or not as into it as I am, then I'm too serious for her.

Burnout: I'm a big believer in pacing and rhythm in dating. A relationship can suffer burnout if certain milestones occur too fast: Being exclusive, sex, meeting parents. When that happens, I get that feeling the colonists must have gotten after they won the Revolutionary War: "Ok, we did now what?"

I Was Tempted To Cheat: I do my best not to cheat, so when I have recurring urges to cheat on my girlfriend, I figure it's time to break up with her. I don't need to go through with cheating; the constant urge is enough for me to end things.

All My Friends Broke Up With Their Girlfriends: This is by far the most immature reason on this list. While my girlfriend and I are curled up on the couch watching "The Devil Wears Prada," my newly single guy friends are out shredding the karaoke waves with Journey's "Don't Stop Believin" and tearing up the town. That conflict gives me wanderlust. It's much easier when we are all in for a quiet Saturday night with the significant others.

Divergent Lives: If someone moves to another town, or work is taking over, or other life changes are driving you apart, sometimes it's best to end it.

Feeling Selfish: Dating is selfless because you're giving your time and yourself up to a relationship. "Me time" is necessary at some point to work on career/living situation, travel, or whatever. When I'm in a "selfish period," it's tough to participate in a relationship.

I "Misread" My Feelings: This is the most unfair of all the reasons. Both genders make this mistake—you get into a relationship and everything seems so great. Then, a few weeks later, you realize you got wrapped up in something for the wrong reason, dated for the sake of dating, or whatever, and you need to get out.

My Friends Or Family Didn't Like Her: I pay close attention to friend/family opinions because they know me best, and they've earned the right to have their say. Also, friends and family may be able to see things inside the relationship that I'm too blinded to see.

I Took Her For Granted: Great relationships should be easy, but there has to be some tension too—especially in the beginning. If it's too easy, there's a lack of challenge. If I feel like I could have her heart any time any place, sometimes I'll let her go. This almost always ends up coming back to haunt me later, though. I never learn.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

5 Compliments Every Woman Loves To Hear

Words of appreciation spoken directly to your romantic partner go far in paving the way to a happy, healthy relationship. What is sometimes too easily forgotten: disagreements among couples (from trifling to serious) can nearly always be overcome with a few words of gratitude from a partner (a.k.a., a healthy dose of authentic compliments). But it takes more than a "Hey Baby, you're hot" to really win points with your partner here. These are the top five compliments every woman loves to hear. If you can't remember the words verbatim, remember the key principles: appreciation, support and acceptance. This is the triage to a strong, lasting and powerful romantic endeavor.

1.You're Irreplaceable. This is a surefire way to light up your partner’s eyes. Saying these words (with full eye contact, of course) lets the special one in your life know that you know who she is as a person and that you value her as a unique individual. Why is this so effective? Think about when you break up with someone and part ways. One of the worst ramifications of the break-up is finding out, via Facebook update or chattering among friends, that you've been replaced by someone new. On the flip side, hearing from your current partner that you're valued for more than what you look like scores big, meaningful points.

2. You bring light to my life. Yes, we know this sounds like a bit much. But bear with us and let us make one point: relationships can go off course when one or both partners takes for granted the contributions the other makes to their lives. Saying this shows that a man understands and remembers that a women chooses to be with her man and opts to give her energy and time to him. Showing he appreciates that she shares her life with him is symphonic to a woman's ears. If the word light is a tad too over-the-top for you try replacing it with happiness, joy, sunshine—whichever word you can say with genuine meaning.

3. You are perfect just the way that you are. This one takes the gold star award for ability to make a woman’s day, week, month or even year (if, that is, whenever she gets miffed at you for something small she recalls you saying this to her). Ingrid Michaelson sang it best with her lyrics to the song "The Way that I Am." If you really want to make your partner's day, we suggest e-mailing this song or youtube video to the woman you love. Deep, lasting love is unconditional. Showing that you comprehend and embrace this idea will touch your partner way more than superficial comments such as, "Your earrings are cute." Read: Dating A Golddigger

4. I love your (fill in the blank: bright eyes, cute toes, toned arms, sleek legs, silky hair). We did not mean to give the impression above that we women do not like to hear you notice when we put extra effort into looking foxy for our man. But what’s key here is that what you say is genuine. Don’t just pick any random feature. Think about it. What is your partner’s best physical attribute and why do you like it? Telling your partner this will show her you pay attention to details, and to her.

5. I am so proud of you. A big deal-breaker in any relationship can be supporting one another’s life goals or not. Paying attention to your partner’s current goals she is working hard to achieve endear her to you for life. Whether it is paying off her credit card debt, completing a class, putting in extra hours to earn a promotion or even trying to better balance her life, show your loving support for your women. Her heart will melt then and every time thereafter she remembers when you supported along the way to making things happen and brushing off when the chips are down.